Data Export Module - Terminology

Data Export Module - Terminology

The Export Module in Clevr empowers users to extract form data into flexible formats like CSV, JSON, or XML. To maximize its functionality and ensure seamless implementation, it’s important to understand the specific terminology used throughout the module. From key concepts like Export Definitions and Triggers to technical terms like XSLT and Data Sources, this guide provides clear definitions and explanations of the domain-specific language you’ll encounter. Whether you’re setting up your first export or optimizing advanced configurations, understanding this terminology will help you navigate the Export Module with confidence and precision.


XSLT is the scripting language used by the Export Module to transform data. It processes an XML document using an XSLT stylesheet (referred to in Clevr as the Export Definition) and produces a text-based output. Clevr uses XSLT 1.0 for all transformations.


An Export is an item in the menu that includes an Export Definition and one or more Triggers.


The Export Definition is the XSLT code used to convert data from the Data Source into the desired output format.

Data Source

The Data Source is the XML document generated by Clevr that provides input for the Export Processor to transform into the output using the Export Definition.

Output Format

The Output Format determines the file type (XML, JSON, or CSV) and specifies the file’s structure, formatting, and sanitization rules.


Encoding defines how characters in the file are written. The standard encoding used is UTF-8, though older systems may require ASCII.


A Preset is an automatically generated Export Definition based on the structure of a form. Currently, only XML exports support Presets, but future updates will include Presets for other formats. Preset settings control features like tab structure and blank value behavior.

Saved Definition

The Saved Definition is a draft version of the Export Definition that is not yet in production. It remains available until it is published or discarded. When loading the Export Editor, the Saved Definition is opened first, if it exists.

Published Definition

The Published Definition is the active version of the Export Definition used by Triggers and Run Now executions.


A Trigger initiates the export process. Supported types include API Triggers, Scheduled Triggers, and Run Now Triggers.

Trigger Output

Each Trigger has an Output setting—API Response, Clevr SFTP, or Webhook—that determines how the Export Processor delivers the generated Export Data.

Record Access

Record Access refers to the business rules applied to a user that determine which records they are allowed to view. Different Trigger Types in the Export Module apply distinct methods to determine whose record access is used when generating an Export:
  1. Run Now: uses the record access of the user currently running the export.
  2. API: Use the record access of the user who generated the API key.
  3. Scheduled: Use the record access of the user specified in the trigger's settings.

Record Filters

Triggers can include either all records or records based on a Listings Card search. Record inclusion is always limited to the access permissions of the user whose record access is being used.


An API is an endpoint or address that allows programs to send and receive data. It enables one system to request or provide information to another system.

Run Now

Run Now is a manual Trigger type that allows users to generate and download an export file directly from the UI without needing FTP or API access.

Service Bus

The Service Bus manages a queue of pending tasks and ensures they are processed when resources are available. It is used for scheduling export processes and handling high volumes of export requests.

Export Processor

The Export Processor is a service separate from the main Clevr application. It processes exports released from the Service Bus and delivers them to the configured output.

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