Recent Articles
Clevr has denied your request to save
Occasionally, the input box may turn red, and an error message will appear, indicating that Clevr has denied your request to save. This typically happens for one of two reasons: The connection between your device and the Clevr server has been ...
Seeing the Clevr logout screen instead of the login screen
If you’re seeing the Clevr logout screen instead of the login screen, try clearing your browser cache and confirming you’re using the link provided by your District. To clear your browser cache, navigate to Browser History (press CTRL + H on your ...
Clevr Terms of Use
Welcome to Clevr! Clevr provides a suite of software services (the “Services”) to teachers, students, parents and administrators of a specific Education Organization. The Services are owned and operated by Darryl Denyes Leadership Services Inc. (the ...
Cybersecurity Policy
This Cybersecurity Policy establishes the guidelines and practices required to protect the organization’s digital assets, data, and infrastructure from cyber threats. This policy adheres to the National Institute of Standards and Technology ...
User Account Settings - Manually Override Automated Access
These settings are applied to an individual user account in the Person Management Module. If the person is automated, their role can be automated or manually managed. If the person is manually managed, their role can only be manually managed. If the ...