Configure your Form for Record Rollover in the Form Management

Configure your Form for Record Rollover in the Form Management

This article gives step by step instructions on how to prepare your forms for a record rollover

To access this feature, the Record Rollover Wizard page right is required. A role will also need the Form Manager to flag forms with the rollover style.

Step 1: Flagging Forms for Rollover and Selecting Rollover Type

To begin the Record Rollover, you will want to make sure you have identified the forms that need to be Rolled Over (archived) and the method/rollover type for archival. The Rollover type you select will be dependent on the type of form that is being rolled over.

In clevr, there are three Rollover types to choose from. Below we have identified the rollover types, examples of forms that are normally included, and whether preparation is required on the form itself. 

Rollover Type 
Option to select in Form Management Module
Action & Common Forms
Other Actions Needed

Lock Exisiting Records

Include in Rollover – Default is bulk lock existing records
Choose this option to lock existing records. This option will lock all records without preparing a blank new record for next year. New records will be created manually. Ideal for forms that capture a specific or one-time event:
  1. Violent/Threat Risk Assessments
  2. Clinician Referrals
  3. Incident Reports
  4. Field Trip permission Forms
  5. Forms that will not necessarily require a record for next year

Create New Record

Create New Record in Record Rollover
Choose this option only if you’d like to make a blank new record for next year in addition to locking the previous records. If you would like a cloned record instead of a blank one, ensure you select the next option. Common forms for this type of rollover:
  1. Evaluations
  2. Assessments
  3. Student & Staff Incident forms
  4. Forms where the data from this year is not applicable / transferable to next year’s records.
Copy Data Into New Record
Copy Existing Data to the New Record in Record Rollover
Select this option if you’d like to copy the data from this year’s record into the record you are creating for next year in addition to locking the previous records. Selecting only “create new record” without this option will make the new record blank. Data within all fields with the exception of those flagged as DoNotClone will be available within the cloned record. Common forms:
  1. Forms used for yearly documentation
  2. IEPs
  3. IIPs
  4. IPPs
Yes – Identify Fields that should be tagged as DoNotClone (see Step 4)

 If you have more question about The three Record Rollover Types please refer to our Record Rollovers - Understanding the Three Rollover Types for more information on rollover types.

Note: Log forms are NOT Record Rollover Candidates. With logs, when users need to create a new entry, users have access to new record buttons on the form.

Step 2: How to Flag Forms that are to be Rolled Over

The easiest way to locate a list of your forms that are available in clevr is through the Form Management Module

From the clevr Navigation Menu select the Configuration menu > Form Management module to identify the forms that have been flagged for Rollover.
Configuration MenuLocating the Form Manager Module

The Form Management module will include all of the forms that are available on your clevr tenant.

 Forms ManagerFull Forms list

To the right of the form name, the Include Rollover column will have a “Yes” value if the form has been flagged for rollover.

Form ManagerManage Form List

If a form needs to be flagged for Rollover, you can select the form name within the Form Management module to open the Form Specifications Page. Within the Form Details card, click Edit to update the Record Rollover flags.

Note: If a form has not been tagged for rollover in the Form Management Module, it will not be made available to rollover in the Record Rollover Wizard

If "Records will be displayed across all locations" has not been turned on, records will not automatically appear at new locations for students and staff & records will not be created during the rollover process for anyone who has moved.

Please refer to our article Identifying Fields for DoNotClone During Record Rollover if you have selected the "Copy data into new record" rollover type

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