Person Profile

Person Profile

The Person Profile provides a comprehensive, aggregated view of an individual across multiple forms, whether they are a student or a staff member. This tool is designed to offer a holistic overview, allowing users to view basic demographic information, a summary of the individual’s records, and key data from those records.

Accessing the Person Profile

The Person Profile can be accessed via the following Dashboard Cards:
  1. Profile Search
  2. Quick Profile Search
Alternatively, the Person Profile can be opened by clicking the  "View Profile" button when viewing a specific form.

Switching Profiles

To view a different person's profile, click the Person Search button located in the top left corner, next to the page title.
The Person Search feature allows you to search for an individual by name, email, or identification number. Once you’ve located the person you’re looking for, simply click their name to open their profile.

Person Demographics

On the left side of the Person Profile, you will find the individual's demographic details. This section includes their photo (if available), preferred and legal names, Proprietary ID, birthdate, and locations. For students, their grade level is displayed, while for staff members, their role within the organization is shown.

Uploading a Profile Image

If your role includes permission to upload images, you can hover over the individual's photo to reveal the Upload Image button. Clicking this button will allow you to upload a new image for the person’s profile.

Profile Form Data

Form Header

The Form Header is displayed for each form associated with the individual. It provides key information and actions, arranged from left to right as follows:
  1. The total number of records the person has for that form.
  2. The name of the form.
  3. A dropdown menu listing all records the individual has for that form.
    1. A lock icon, indicating that the record is locked and cannot be edited.
  4. A button to open the currently selected record.
  5. The Table View button, which allows users to view up to three records simultaneously.
  6. The Pin Form button, which pins the selected form to the top of the page, keeping it in view as you scroll through the profile.

Record Data

The data for the selected record is displayed directly below the Form Header, along with details of who last modified the record and when the modification occurred.

If a form has not been configured to display information on the Person Profile, a message stating "No Form Data" will appear instead.

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