Notification - Administrative Board

Notification - Administrative Board

The Notification Administrative Board is a module within Clevr that you can use to review all notification activity within your organization. The Notification Administrative Board has a brand-new look and feel, and was overhauled in April of 2024.

Accessing the Notification Administrative Board

If the Notification Administrative Board has been enabled for your role, it can be accessed via clicking on the "Configuration" menu item in the navigation bar, then selecting "Notifications - Administrative Board" from the menu that opens.

Notification Administrative Board Overview

When opening the Administrative Board, you are presented with a view that is broken up into Inbox Controls (left) and Data View (right) panel.

Inbox Control Panel

The Inbox Controls appear as the left side of the Notification Administrative Board. In this panel, you control the date range of the notifications displayed, a switch to display either Notifications or Record Access Grants, and an option to view results for all forms or a specific form.

Date Range Dropdown
This dropdown allows you to select the date range of the notifications displayed in the Data View. You have the options of:
  1. The last 30 Days (default)
  2. The last 60 Days
  3. The last 90 Days
  4. Custom Date Range: This option allows you to select between two dates using a calendar interface.
    Calendar view used to pick a custom date range.

Notification Record Access Toggle
This toggle will change the Data View between displaying Notification data (off) and Notification Record Access data (on).

For more information about Notification Record Access and how it works, please click here to read the related article.
"All" Inbox
The "All" inbox button will display information for all forms in the Data View.
Form Inboxes
Each of the Form Inboxes displayed represent a form that has had a notification sent in the selected date range. If a form is not in the list, then the form has not had a notification sent.

Data View Panel (Notifications)

When "Notification Record Access" is turned off, the right panel of the Administrative Board will display a Data View for notifications.

Subject / About
The subject line of the notification.


The subject of the record that the notification was deployed from.
DateThe date and time that the notification was sent.
Sent ByThe name of the user who sent the notification.
FormThe name of the form that the notification was deployed from.
Notification Status
This is the sending status of the notification. The status definitions are:

  1. Pending - The notification is waiting to be added to the processing queue.
  2. Queued - The notification has been added to the queue, but is scheduled to be processed at a future date.
  3. Processing - The notification is currently being processed to be sent.
  4. Processed - The notification has been processed successfully with no errors.
  5. Failed - The notification could not be processed due to configuration or server errors.
  6. Cancelled - The notification was scheduled, but was cancelled before being sent.

Please note that this is different than the recipient's status (Posting Status).
Sent To
The name of the user who received the notification.
Posting Status
The status of the notification for the recipient. The statuses are Unread, Read, or Archived.

Data View Panel (Record Access)

When "Notification Record Access" is turned on, the right panel of the Administrative Board will display a Data View for notifications.

Subject / About
The subject line of the notification that provided the Record Access.


The subject of the record that the user has been granted Record Access.

The recordId of the record that the user has been granted Record Access. Please note that Record Access is specific to the 
FormThe name of the form that the notification was deployed from.
Date CreatedThe date and time that the Record Access was created.
UserThe name of the user that has been granted access to the subject's record. 
The date that the Record Access expires.
The status of the Record Access grant. The status definitions are:

  1. Enabled - This Record Access is valid and currently providing access.
  2. Disabled - This Record Access has not expired, but has been disabled via the Administrative Board.
  3. Expired - This Record Access has pass its expiry date and is not providing access.


Select All

In the header row of the table, to the left of "Subject / About", 
Please note that when using the Select All checkbox in the Administrative Board, only notifications displayed on the current page are selected.

Open Record Button
Open Record

By clicking on the "Open Record" button, you can open the record that the notification was sent from.

If you do not have access to the record, you will be presented with an error message. To resolve this issue, please have your record access rules reviewed for your role, or have a notification that is capable of create Record Access Grants sent to your account.

Archive Record(s)

This action will archive the notification for the recipient. If all recipients have had the notification archived, then the notification will also be archived for the sender.
This action can be performed in bulk by selecting one or more notifications with the checkbox, and then using the buttons on the top right of the page.

Unarchive Record(s)

This action will unarchive the notification for the sender and the recipient.
This action can be performed in bulk by selecting one or more notifications with the checkbox, and then using the action buttons on the top right of the page.

Disable Record Access

This action will disable a Record Access, which prevents it from providing access to the user before the Expiry Date.

Enable Record Access

This action will re-enable a Record Access that was previous disabled, which allows it to provide access to the user again. A Record Access will not provide access after being enabled if the Expiry Date has already passed.

Update Expiry Date

This action will update the Record Access Expiry Date. This can be performed on any Record Access, regardless of if it is still valid or already expired.
The Expiry Date can not be set in the past. If you wish to immediately revoke access, this should be done by disabling the Record Acccess.

View Notification Details

Opening the Details

Clicking on a notification or record access grant in the Data View will open the details in a popup, similar to the Notification Board.

The notification details is designed to provide a complete set of data to allow for review and debugging.

SubjectThe popup title displays the Subject line of the notification.
The sent notification Id in Clevr.

Notifications sent to multiple people will display the same Id. When attempting to communicate issues with Clevr Support or others, it will be helpful to provide this Id.
The name of the form that the notification was deployed from.

The number in brackets is the formId, and is also a link to view the form details in Form Management.
The name of person that the notification is about.

The number in brackets is the personId, and is also a link to view the subject's details in Person Management.
The date and time that the notification was sent.
Sent By
The name of the user who sent the notification.

The number in brackets is the personId, and is also a link to view the sender's details in Person Management.
This is the sending status of the notification. The status definitions are:

  1. Pending - The notification is waiting to be added to the processing queue.
  2. Queued - The notification has been added to the queue, but is scheduled to be processed at a future date.
  3. Processing - The notification is currently being processed to be sent.
  4. Processed - The notification has been processed successfully with no errors.
  5. Failed - The notification could not be processed due to configuration or server errors.
  6. Cancelled - The notification was scheduled, but was cancelled before being sent.

Please note that this is different than the recipient's status (Posting Status), which is displayed on the "Sent To" tab.
The name of the notification as defined in Form Management. Since the Subject can vary for the same notification, this will indicate which Notification Configuration sent the notification.
This tab displays the Board Message of the notification, and matches what is visible to the end-user who received the notification.
Sent To
This tab displays all of the recipients, with each row per recipient.

The row will display the following information about the recipients:

Recipient Name / Role / PersonId (1): The name, role, and personId of the recipient. The personId is also a link to view the recipient's details in Person Management.
Recipient Status (2): The status of the notification for the recipient. The statuses are Unread, Read, or Archived.
Recipient Email Address (3): The email address used to sent the notification to the recipient.
Recipient Email Status (4): The status of the email sent to the user. The statuses are Not Sent, Processing, Processed, Bounced, Blocked, Deferred, or Delivered. For more information on the meaning of some of these status, please refer to this article.

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