How to View Details for Past Rollovers

How to View Details for Past Rollovers

On the first page of the Record Rollover Wizard at the bottom you will find the Record Rollover Summary that lists the details of your past Record Rollovers including:
  • Form Name – The form that was archived during the rollover
  • Last Rollover – The date the rollover occurred
  • Location(s) Selected – The locations included in the record rollover
  • # of Records – The total number of records processed by the record rollover
  • Performed by – The Clevr user that performed the rollover
  • View Details – Clicking this button will open a pop up window where you can see:
    • The list of locations where the rollover was performed
    • The record description selected
    • Which fields were bulk updated with the rollover
    • A list of all records that were impacted
    • The ability to undo a rollover
Click the View Details button to see details of past rollovers

Within the View Details page, select the rollover you wish to view the details of within the Select a Rollover dropdown. The dropdown will list these values to help you determine which option to select:
  • Date Performed – The date the Record Rollover was performed
  • Description – The description selected to appear within the record history for the records created by the rollover
  • Performed By – Name of the user who performed the Record Rollover
  • Status – The status of the record rollover. The options include:
    • Active – If a rollover has not been undone the status will be Active
    • Walked Back – If a rollover was undone, it’s status will be set to Walked Back and will list the date the rollover was undone

The Rollover Details page will include important information about the rollover:
  • Form – Name of the form that was rolled over
  • Status – The status of the record rollover. The options include:
    • Active – If a rollover has not been undone the status will be Active
    • Walked Back – If a rollover was undone, it’s status will be set to Walked Back and will list the date the rollover was undone
  • Date Performed – The date the Record Rollover was performed
  • Performed By – Name of the user who performed the Record Rollover
  • Location(s) – A list of location(s) that were rolled over
  • Rollover Type – The type of rollover that was selected. 
  • Description – The description selected to appear within the record history for the records created by the rollover
  • Fields to Update – A list of the fields that were updated in bulk in the new or cloned records when the rollover was performed
  • Records Updated – A table that lists all records that were included in the rollover process. Fields will include:
    • Name – The name of the persons who were rolled over
    • Proprietary ID – The proprietary ID number of the persons who were rolled over
    • Local ID – The local ID number of the persons who were rolled over
    • Role – The role of the persons who were rolled over
    • Action – Whether or not the record status was set to active or locked during the rollover process. If a new or clone style rollover was selected, you will see two or more entries for each person – one entry for the current record that was locked, and another entry when the new or cloned record was created.
    • Record ID – The unique ID number associated with the record that was processed during the Record Rollover.

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