Dashboard - Saved Searches

Dashboard - Saved Searches

The Saved Search Card provides a quick way to access your searches that have been saved in Clevr. 

To run a saved search, click the name of the form you’ve saved a search under, then select the appropriate search.
The Saved Search Card works in conjunction with the location dropdown in the top right corner. 
Clevr Saved Search Assessment Report

Clicking on the name of your search will cause it to run in real time. A window will open with the names of all records that fit your parameters. Click on the name of any person within the pop-up window to navigate to their record.

The option to save a search is only available to users with the Dashboard – SaveSearch page right. Users with this page right can modify searches they create and select any search assigned to their role. 
To save a new Saved Search, you will need to navigate to the Listings Card.

By default, your Dashboard search will look at only the most recently created record. If you would like your search to return results for all records select Records to Include in the filter dropdown then select All Records.

clevr Metrics Card Dashboard showing records to include is all records

In the example below we have selected the Assessment Report Form within the Listings Card and we have applied three separate parameters to narrow down out search results:

Person Status = Active
School Year = 2021-2022
Grade = 2, 3, 4, 5

With the parameters applied, you can save this criteria by clicking the Save Search button shown in the image below.

clevr drop down menu in Dashboard highlighting save search drop down with save as new search selection

You will be given an option to enter a name for a new search (or update your saved search if one already exists for the saved search name specified)

Once you click Save Search, your new search will appear within the Saved Search Card.

clevr Saved Search 2021-2022 Listings - Assessment Report
Saved Search Card – Editing an Existing Saved Search

You can edit the name of your saved search as well as which roles have access to it. To edit an existing saved search, you will need to navigate to the Listings Card. Then:

Click the Save Search button to open the Save Search pop-up window.
clevr Save Search button to open the Save Search pop-up window
Select the saved search that you would like to edit and click the pencil icon.
Click the checkbox next to the role(s) you would like to grant access to the saved search or modify the name of the search.
Click Save Search to apply your changes and close the pop-up.
Saved Search Card – Deleting a Saved Search
You can manage your saved searches from a menu dropdown on the Listings Card. To delete a saved search:

Click the Save Search button.
From the dropdown menu that appears, click the pencil icon beside the saved search you would like to delete. The Save Search pop-up window appears.
clevr pencil icon beside the saved search menu item
Click Delete on the top right-hand corner of the pop-up window.
A pop-up window appears asking if you’re sure you wish to permanently delete this search. Click Delete. The saved search is now deleted.
clevr Delete saved search button highlighted in red

Your system administrator determines which cards are available in your implementation.   If you would like to request a card for your dashboard, please contact your Clevr District Lead

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