Configure Notifications in Form Management

Configure Notifications in Form Management


A notification is a configurable workflow item that is sent to one or more specified users and/or roles when it is triggered. The notifications card and the notifications editor in form management is used to configure notifications.

Common usages for notifications include:
  1. Notifying a user that a record requires their attention or approval.
  2. Updating a user on the status of a record.
  3. Providing information to another user about a record.
Notifications are configured in two separate locations: using the clevr form editor to create the notification element that users interact with, and the form management module to define the recipients, subject, and body of the notification along with a few other optional settings. This document will outline the form management configuration.

To start the process, navigate to the form management page for the specific form being worked on.

The Notifications Card

There are four main components to the notifications card found in form management. The Add Notification Button, the Custom Fields, the Filters, and the Notifications List. These components are used to create, augment, filter, and see the notifications for the form selected

Add Notifications Button
The Add Notifications Button is used to add a new notification to the notifications card. Selecting the Add button will open the notification editor and allow for the creation of a new notification.

Custom Fields
The Custom Fields components is a section of the notifications card that allows for the management of custom notification fields. The Add button within this components will open the custom field editor where notifyField attributes can be provided a specific title. When the corresponding attribute is applied to a field on the form, the value of that field will appear in the notifications board in a column under the provided title.

When a custom field is added, it will appear in the list.

The Filters component allows for comprehensive filtering of the Notifications List. The Notifications List can be filtered by notification name, description, recipients, reports attached, and grants access.

Notifications List
The Notifications List is where the notifications created for the selected form are displayed. Notifications in this list can be updated by selecting the EDIT button, notifications can be copied using the COPY button, and notifications can be deleted but selecting the DELETE button. The notifications displayed in the list can be filtered using the Filters component.

Notification Editor

After selecting the Add Notification Button or the EDIT button, the notification editor will open. The notification editor is comprised of 5 tabs; General, User Recipients, Role Recipients, Reports, and Advanced.

Notification Editor - General Tab

The General tab is where the details of the notification are provided.

Notification Name (1)
The notification name is the name of the notification. This name must match the name provided to the related notification function on the form.
Description (2)
The Description can be used to provide information and context about the notification. It is not displayed anywhere else in clevr.
Use the description to provide information and context about when and how the notification is used.

Insert Buttons (3)
Above the message fields is a toolbar of insert buttons. While one of the message fields are selected, clicking on an insert button will insert a parameter into the message that will automatically generate the information based on the specific form and record as well as the user that sent the notification.

Subject's Name - {subjectName} - The name of the subject of the record. This used to be called {studentName}.
Sender's Name - {senderName} - The name of the user who sent the notification. This used to be called {teacherName}.
Location Name - {locationName} - The name of the location of the sending user.
Form Name - {formName} - The name of the form that the notification is sent from.
Subject's Local ID - {subjectLocalId} - The Local ID of the subject of the record.
Subject's Prop ID -  - The Proprietary ID of the subject of the record.
Element Data - {elementId#} - Displays the value of an element for the record. Replace the # with the appropriate element ID, which would look like {elementId1234567890}. Elements in repeaters are currently not supported.
Notification Message (4)
The notification message fields must be filled out. There is a field to provide the subject of the notification as well as a field to provide the body of the notification. This is the information that will be sent to the notification board when the notification is triggered.
Email Message (5)
In order to send an email along with the notification, the "Send Email" checkbox must be selected. With the "Send Email" checkbox selected, the message placed in the email body field will be sent as an email to the recipients along with the notification going to their Notification Board.

The email's subject is shared with the Notification Board.

Notification Editor - User Recipients Tab

The User Recipients tab is used for user-based notifications. A user can be added as a recipient by selecting the "Add User" button, or checking the "Include the Subject's direct supervisor as a recipient." checkbox. When adding a user recipient through the "Add User" button, the person search modal will open.

Providing any information in at least one of the fields of the person search will bring up all accounts found that match the information. The resulting list will include the name, email, role, and location for each matching person. Selecting one of the results will add that person as a recipient for the notification and close the person search modal.

Once a person is added as a recipient, they will be displayed under the User Recipients tab. A count of the number of recipients will be displayed next to the tab name. To remove a user, select the trash can symbol.

Notification Editor - Role Recipients Tab

Roles List
Select the desired recipient roles from the roles list. When the notification is triggered, all users of the selected roles at the sending user's location will be sent the notification.
Locations List
The notification is only able to send to selected roles at selected locations. Next to the column heading "Locations" is a checkbox that when checked will select all locations.

Notification Editor - Reports Tab

Reports can be attached to the notification by selecting them within this tab.

Notification Editor - Advanced Tab

The advanced tab of the notification editor contains special conditions for notifications. Special care should be taken when utilizing these options.

Flag notifications as being urgent.
The notification will be flagged as urgent. The notification will be flagged with an urgent symbol in the notification board.
Allow notifications to be sent to individuals that do not have access to the form. They will NOT be able to open the record.
This setting allows for notifications to be sent to users to provide information or status updates about a record, even if the recipient user does not have access to the the form. This setting does not grant record access.
Allow notifications to be sent to individuals that do not have access to the records location.
This setting allows for notifications to be sent to users to provide information or status updates about a record, even if the recipient user does not share a location with the subject of the record. This setting does not grant record access.
Allow the notification recipient to access the record for a limited time.
Enabling this setting will open the options to allow the recipients of the notification to access the record for either a specific number of days or until a specified date.

Next Steps: Setting up the Notification on the Form

After a Notification has been configured within Form Management, the next step is to configure your form to send Notifications.

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