clevr - 25.04.0 - Release Notes

clevr - 25.04.0 - Release Notes

Released on March 10th, 2025.


  1. We've moved additional Integration settings into the new 'SIS Integration' module. This brings us closer to retiring these settings from the Clevr Configuration area.
  2. To streamline user management for organizations using Parent User Accounts, parent accounts will now automatically become inactive when they are no longer associated with any students. This update simplifies account maintenance and ensures accurate user lists.

Merge Persons

  1. To prevent errors caused by duplicate Default Saved Searches on the dashboard, we recently implemented a new limitation. This limitation inadvertently interfered with merging users. We've now resolved this conflict, ensuring both a stable dashboard and seamless user management.

Person Management

  1. Users can now consistently update location assignments. Previously, an error message, 'Failed to remove invalid groupings,' would sometimes appear and prevent these updates. We've resolved the underlying issue, ensuring seamless location management.
  2. We've streamlined user onboarding by introducing a bulk 'Welcome to Clevr' email feature. Now, you can efficiently send welcome emails to specific user groups. Simply conduct a search in Person Management to identify your target users, and then click the 'Send Welcome Email' button in the top right corner. You'll have the opportunity to review the user count by role before sending, ensuring accuracy and control.

Report Editor

  1. We've enhanced our reporting capabilities by enabling signature images within report repeaters. This improvement removes a previous constraint, allowing you to include signatures in repeated sections of your reports.

    To add a signature to a report, use the tag {rChildSignature;<elementId>;<image height in px>}, which functions similarly to its use outside of repeaters. Be sure to place this tag within a table that also includes the {repeaterRow} tag.
  2. We've expanded reporting flexibility by enabling formatted dates within report repeaters. Previously, date formatting was limited to areas outside repeated sections. Now, you have increased control over date display throughout your reports.

    To format dates within a repeater, use the tag: {rChildDate<elementId>;"<date format>"}. For a comprehensive list of available date formatting options, please refer to the date and time format strings documentation: Custom date and time format strings.
  3. We've enhanced report customization with the ability to conditionally display sections within repeaters using 'If One Contains' logic. Previously, reports could only entirely exclude repeater instances, restricting design flexibility.

    To implement conditional display, use the tag {rChildIfOneContainsContainer<elementId>;"<value>"}. Multiple values can be included by separating them with commas, such as {rChildIfOneContainsContainer<elementId>;"<value>","<value>"}. Conclude the conditional section with the tag {endRChildIfOneContainsContainer<elementId>;"<value>"}.
  4. We've resolved an intermittent issue where the modern datepicker interface was not consistently loading within the Aggregate report editor.
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