Clevr - 24.18.0 - Release Notes

Clevr - 24.18.0 - Release Notes

Released on September 23rd, 2024.

Clevr Configuration

  1. Previously, when new locations were added, manually managed users assigned to all locations did not automatically receive access to forms for those new locations. This process is now automated, ensuring that form access is updated seamlessly for new locations.

Form Editor

  1. Previously, when loading the Form Editor, a form could remain locked without having its data present in the Editor database, resulting in an error and preventing access. Now, the process is more resilient, automatically filling in missing data to ensure that the Form Editor can always be opened without issue.

Form Interface

  1. We've enhanced the Filebanks within forms to improve usability. Key updates include:
    1. The ability to upload multiple files simultaneously without refreshing the page.
    2. Clear feedback during the upload process, including success or failure messages.
    3. The option to download all contained files as a ZIP file.
    4. New role-based permissions for Upload and Delete actions, configurable in Form Management.
    5. An improved, simpler file search feature, now with the option to search by date.
  2. We've improved the Linkbanks within forms to improve usability. Key updates include:
    1. The ability to add multiple links at once without refreshing the page.
    2. A streamlined link search feature, now with the option to search by date.
    3. A new security feature that prompts users with a confirmation modal before opening non-Clevr links in a new tab.

Generic Data Import (GDI)

  1. When performing a bulk Generic Data Import, poorly formed headers could previously cause the entire process to fail. The process has now been improved to ignore these problematic columns, allowing the import to continue seamlessly with the remaining data.


  1. When a notification intended to include form data was sent without any populated fields, it would display the markup code instead. This process has been improved to prevent the display of markup code in such cases, ensuring a cleaner notification.

Person Management

  1. Previously, when updating a person's information in Person Management, an error could appear, suggesting the changes weren’t saved. However, the changes were actually saved. This issue occurred when the person had no location association. The error will no longer be displayed, ensuring a smoother update process.

Person Profile

  1. We have replaced the old "Student Profile" feature with an entirely new "Person Profile" as part of a major experience overhaul. Key improvements include:
    1. A redesigned layout that makes better use of available space.
    2. The ability to view the number of records a person has for a given form and easily switch between them, whereas previously only the most recent record was displayed.
    3. The option to "Pin" a specific form to the top of the page, facilitating easier comparison of non-adjacent forms.
    4. A new "Table View" that displays three records for the same form side by side, allowing for straightforward comparison of a person's data over time.
    5. The capability to perform a "Profile Export," enabling the generation of a CSV file of a person's profile.
    6. A new person search feature that allows you to switch between profiles without leaving the page, eliminating the need to return to the Dashboard.

Textfile Validator

  1. When opening an Integration text file, the Textfile Validator would incorrectly align column headers with their corresponding data columns. This was purely a display issue that required users to manually match columns with their data. The header display has now been corrected for proper alignment.

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