Clevr - 24.06.1 - Release Notes

Clevr - 24.06.1 - Release Notes

Released on April 23rd, 2024.


  1. For users needing form data to appear across all forms on the Notification Board, we've introduced a new feature called "Display Form Fields," accessible via the filters card. Please note that if none of your notifications received have form fields configured to be displayed, no columns will be added.
  2. The notification board will remember which view you previous had open when you return.
  3. You can now easily sort your inbox by Date or custom form fields by simply clicking on the table header.
  4. Now, you have the capability to filter form fields based on the form data presented in the Notification Board.
  5. There were issues with certain rules that were incorrectly implemented, causing notifications to fail in reaching valid recipients. These issues particularly impacted users within supervisor hierarchies or notifications with specific rules for recipient identification. Those issues have now been corrected.

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