Bulk Printing

Bulk Printing

This page will walk you through how you can bulk print reports in Clevr. Reports can bulk printed in one of two ways:
  1. A single PDF file that contains all the printouts grouped together – Download All as a Single PDF
  2. Via zip file with all the PDFs separate – Download All as a Separate PDFs

Download All as a Single PDF

Reports can be printed in bulk by using the Bulk Print option within Clevr. On the Dashboard, navigate to Bulk > Bulk Printing.

In the Bulk Printing module, select the form you would like to generate printouts for in the left column. You can use the middle column to apply a filter to narrow down your list of students.  You can skip this step if you do not need to filter any students.

The column on the right hand side will show you a list of students at that fit the above parameters (if you applied some in the above step) at your location. You can use the checkbox beside the student’s names to select or deselect students as needed.

You will need to select which printout you would like to Bulk Print records for in the Report Options dropdown. When you have made your selection, click Print.

The printouts for all students selected will be generated in a single .pdf file. Depending on the number of records you are printing, it may take up to several minutes for the report to generate.

Download All as a Separate PDFs

Follow the instructions above until you get the the Report Options section. Check the checkbox “Zip Reports” and press Print. This will open a dialogue box.

Within the dialogue box you will have several options to determine the name of the PDFs you are generating.

Submitting Records to PASI

If you require records to submit to PASI, please make sure to complete only the fields noted below or you may have issues submitting your records:

Field Name
Field Value
Clevr Field
File Prefix
Leave Blank
File Suffix
Leave Blank

If Not Submitting Records to PASI

Select between using the person’s name or ID number as the file name. There are also prefix and suffix fields that you can enter whatever you’d like – for example the school year, form name, etc. A file name preview is displayed on the right side of the dialogue box as your selections are made.

If you wish you may assign a password to the Zip file you will be downloading for security purposes. Make sure to write this down because it can not be retrieved if forgotten or lost.

Click create Zip to download the zip file with the separate PDFs to your computer.

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